Inspired by the blog, Three Beautiful Things.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Amber Eyes, Paternal Instinct and Jib Jab

1. A black cat with piercing amber eyes joins me in the back yard for my morning coffee. We have had much rain lately, so between the wet lawn and the holiday parties, we haven't had the time to mow the lawn. The black cat decides to walk from our driveway to our patio, a path that involves crossing the lawn. He methodically uses our path of stepping stones, pouncing from one stone to the next, apparently trying to avoid the wet blades of grass in between. A squirrel  continually barks from the branches of the buckeye tree, scolding the presence of the cat. 

2. Young sparrows accompany their fathers to the bird feeders. They stand in the middle of the feeder, their little birdie feet covered in seed, flapping their wings and chirping, waiting for their fathers to lift the seed and drop it into their little open beaks.

3. My honey-husband treats us to a dinner from Jib Jab Hotdog Shoppe, eliminating the need for me to cook. Now THAT is a beautiful thing!

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